Post by WT on Aug 2, 2009 20:42:18 GMT 12
Episode 29: Putting On An Electrifying Show!
After winning his second Gym medal, Cole takes a seat with Ella, Brock and Bolton and are ready to watch Ash and Electra’s gym battle.
“Are you ready Ash?” Electra asks Ash who is standing on the other side of the battlefield, “I’m always ready!” Ash replies,
“Well then, lets get started!” Electra says, the referee steps in and says, “This battle will be between Ash from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region, against Electra, the Rustbolt City gym leader, each trainer will use 3 Pokemon each, start the battle!” the referee shouts as he swings down the two flags, “I’ll go first!” Electra says, “I choose Pachirisu!” she says throwing out a pokeball
,and Pachirisu emerges, “So Pachirisu” Ash says to himself, “I choose Herovor!” Ash says throwing out a Pokeball and Herovor emerges,
“So Herovor verses Pachirisu” Ella says, “It looks like Ash has the upper hand” Brock says, as they all sit together in the stand,
“Pachirisu, Quick Attack!” Electra shouts out, Pachirisu starts running in a flash of light, “Herovor dodge it!” Ash shouts, Herovor jumps into the air and Pachirisu misses it, still in the air, Herovor releases a wave of Razor Leaf, “Herovor I didn’t tell you to attack!” Ash shouts as the attack hits Pachirisu,
“Oh no looks like Herovor isn’t listening to Ash again,” Ella says,
Pachirisu hits the ground and Herovor lands and looks at Ash, “Herovor you have to listen to me!” Ash says and Herovor looks at him all apologetic,
Pachirisu gets up off the ground, “Okay Pachirisu, Super Fang!” Electra shouts out, Pachirisu runs up to Herovor with its two front teeth longer and glowing, it jumps at Herovor and strikes it with its teeth, Herovor is hit and goes flying across the ground, “Oh Herovor” Ash says, Herovor gets up and stands ready to battle again, “Come on Herovor we have to be in sync with each other” Ash shouts out, Herovor looks over to Ash, “Are you ready Herovor” Ash asks, and Herovor nods, “Go Razor Leaf!” Ash shouts, Herovor jumps into the air and blasts a wave of Razor Leaf at Pachirisu, “Dodge it Pachirisu!” Electra shouts out, Pachirisu dodges the Razor Leaf by dashing around in a zigzag, it gets closer to Herovor, “Now Pachirisu, Super Fang!” Electra shouts, Pachirisu’s front teeth grow and glow and it bites onto Herovor and throws to across the ground “Oh no Herovor!” Ash shouts, Herovor tumbles and rolls and stops on the ground, but it’s not out, but it struggles to get up, “Finish it Pachirisu, Discharge!” Electra shouts, Pachirisu powers up and then releases a blast of blue lightning at Herovor, zapping it with a powerful blow, Herovor gets shocked and when Pachirisu stops, Herovor falls to the ground fainted, “Pachirisu wins the battle!” the referee says raising the flag on Electra’s side, “Whoa, even though Ash had the advantage using Herovor, it still lost to Pachirisu” Ella says,
“Pachirisu might looks small and cute, but Electra and Pachirisu have been together for a long time now” Bolton says, “So it’s quiet a strong Pokemon”
Ash returns Herovor to its Pokeball, “You did good Herovor, but we need to train more” he says to the Pokeball, Ash then tucks the ball onto his belt, “I wonder who Ash is going with next?” Cole says, “I don’t know but its gonna be tough, Pikachu is the same type as Electra’s Pokemon, so its attacks won’t do much, and Salatad and Mawclaw are both weak to Electric types” Brock says, “This battle is going to be interesting” Ella says as Lavenseed and Tweetot play on the bleaches.
Ash stands, thinking of which Pokemon to use next, while Electra and Pachirisu stand and wait.
Meanwhile Team Rocket are relaxing in a field of flowers, “Ahh…nothing like winning a contest and relaxing in a beautiful field of flowers” Jesse says lying on her back with Yanmega, Seviper, Wobbuffet and Lophug, James sits with Carnivine hugging him, Chimecho wrapped around his next and Solshrub smelling the flowers, “Shouldn’t we be tracking down the twerps or something?” he says with a piece of straw in his mouth, “Not today, I wanna relax before we get blasted off again” she says as Lophug places flowers in her hair, “Relaxing now will clear our heads, so we can come up with better plans to get Pikachu” Meowth says who is also lying in the flowers, “I suppose, but lately is seems we haven’t seen or done much” says James.
Back at the gym, Ash and Electra are about to start the next round, “So Ash, what’s you next Pokemon” Electra says, Ash smiles, “Okay” Ash says clutching a Pokeball in his hand, “I choose Salatad!” he shouts throwing out the Pokeball, “SALATAD!” Cole, Brock and Ella all say in shock, “Ash does know that Salatad is really weak to Electric types!” Cole says, “He must have a plan, or he wouldn’t have chosen it” Brock says, Salatad stands on the battlefield ready to battle Pachirisu, “So lets do this” Electra says, “Pachirisu, Discharge!” Electra shouts, Pachirisu powers up and sends out a blast of blue lightning at Salatad, “Salatad dodge it with Aqua Jet!” Ash shouts,
The blue lightning gets closer to Salatad, but Salatad dodges the attack by dashing to the side, it quickly runs up to Pachirisu and hits it with the Aqua Jet, “Good shot Salatad!” Ash shouts, as Pachirisu goes flying across the ground, “Water Gun!” Ash then shouts, Salatad fires a blast of water at Pachirisu, who is trying to get up, “Quick Attack Pachirisu!” Electra calls out, just as the water gun is about to hit Pachirisu dashes to the side like Salatad did, “I see what you’re doing” Ash says, Pachirisu runs up to Salatad using Quick attack, “Salatad, Poison Tail!” Ash shouts, Just as Pachirisu reaches Salatad, Salatad’s tail glows purple and it swings it, striking Pachirisu sending it flying across the battlefield, “Whoa!” Cole says,
Pachirisu hits the ground knocked out, “Pachirisu is out of the battle, Salatad wins!” The referee says raising the flag on Ash’s side, “Yeah!” Ash says, “Good work Salatad that was great” he says,
Electra returns Pachirisu back to it’s Pokeball, “Thank you Pachirisu” she says to the Pokeball, “That was a great battle Ash,” she says, “But lets see you take on my next Pokemon”
Electra enlarges a Pokeball and throws it out, “I choose Neomise!” in a flash of light Neomise emerges from the Pokeball, “Neomise?” Ash says, he pulls out his Pokedex,
“Neomise, the Glow Pokemon, Neomise is the evolved form of Illumise, Neomise can absorb light into its body and use it as energy and attacks,” the Pokedex says,
“So Electra’s Illumise evolved,” Ella says,
“Now lets go again!” Electra says, “Neomise, Thunder Punch!” she shouts,
Neomise flies up into the air and its fists starts glowing yellow, it then sky dives down to Salatad, aiming both fists at it, “Salatad dodge it!” Ash says, Salatad goes to jump out of the way, but Neomise is too fast for it, and Salatad gets hit, “Oh no Salatad!” Ash shouts as Salatad goes flying across the ground seriously hurt, Salatad isn’t out and tries to get up as static surrounds its body “Oh no it looks like Salatad is Paralyzed!” Brock says, “Salatad, use Water Gun!” Ash shouts, Salatad fills its mouth with water and fires a water gun attack at Neomise
, but Neomise keeps dodging it by flying around in the air, “Neomise finish it off with Silver Wind!” Electra shouts, Neomise swings its arms in the air and sends off a blast of Silver Wind at Salatad who can hardly move, “Oh no!” Ash says, the Silver Wind hits Salatad knocking it to the ground again, “Oh no!” Ella says is shock,
Salatad lands on the ground knocked out, “Salatad is unable to battle, Neomise wins” the referee says, Ash returns Salatad back to its Pokeball, “You did so good for our official first battle together” he says, he then tucks the Pokeball away, “Okay Ash looks like your down to your last Pokemon” Electra says,
“Looks like it, so I’m gonna go with Pikachu” he says looking over to Pikachu, Pikachu nods and steps forward, “So Electric verse Electric” she says, “It’ll be interesting” Ash says, “Wow, it sure will be” Bolton says,
“Pikachu, Iron Tail!” Ash shouts, Pikachu runs up to Neomise with its tail glowing, “Neomise, stop it!” Electra shouts, Neomise grabs Pikachu’s tail with its hands, “Oh no!” “Throw it!” Electra shouts, Neomise swings Pikachu around and throws it in the air, “Pikachu!” Ash shouts, Pikachu spins around flying through the air, “Pikachu, go with the spin!” Ash shouts, Pikachu concentrates as it spins in the air and electricity starts to wrap its body, “What’s happening?” Ash says to himself, Pikachu then fires a spinning twister of electricity at Neomise, hitting it and shocking it, “What attack was that!” Ella says in amazement, Cole pulls out his Pokedex, “It says here that it’s a Shock Spiral attack” Cole says, “So Pikachu has learnt a new attack!” Brock says, “Shock Spiral?” Ash says, Pikachu lands on the ground and Neomise is kneeling down, hurt from the attack, “Pikachu you learned Shock Spiral!” Ash says and Pikachu smiles at him, “Okay Pikachu lets finish this off, Iron Tail!” Ash shouts, Pikachu charges at Neomise with its tail glowing and swings one mighty blow at Neomise striking it and sending it crashing to the ground knocked out, “Neomise is unable to battle, Pikachu wins!” the referee says raising the flag on Ash’s side, “Yay Pikachu!” Ash says as he hugs Pikachu, “that was awesome, now one Pokemon left and I thin I know what it will be” Ash say, “Good battle Ash, but I’ve saved the best for last” Electra says, she pulls out a Pokeball and throws it out, “I choose Petrovolt!” the ball opens up and Petrovolt comes out in a flash of light, “The final battle will now commence” the referee shouts, “Go Pikachu, Quick attack!” Ash shouts, Pikachu runs up in a flash of light at Petrovolt, “Petrovolt, block it with Steel Wing!” Electra shouts, Petrovolt’s wings start glowing and it raises them up to protect itself, Pikachu goes crashing into it without causing any damage, “Now Petrovolt, Drill Peck!” Electra shouts, Petrovolt flies up to Pikachu with its beak spinning really fast and it dives down onto Pikachu, “Pikachu jump!” Ash shouts, Pikachu jumps into the air just as Petrovolt swoops down, Pikachu then lands on Petrovolt’s back, “Hold on Pikachu!” Ash shouts, “Petrovolt shake it off!” Electra shouts, Petrovolt starts spinning around in the air while Pikachu holds on,
“This doesn’t look good” Cole, “Ash has been in tougher situations than this, he’ll figure it out” Brock says,
Ash stops and thinks while Petrovolt and Pikachu keep spinning, “Got it!” Ash says, “Pikachu let go!” Ash shouts, Pikachu does so and flies off Petrovolt still spinning, “Now Quick attack!” Ash shouts, Pikachu spins around and in a flash of light it flies through the air spinning around and smashes into Petrovolt’s back, causing it to crash to the ground in a powerful smash, “WOW!” The group all say, “Oh no” Electra says to herself, As the cloud of dust clears Petrovolt is on its feet, injured, just the same as Pikachu, both are puffing, “Go Pikachu, Iron Tail!” Ash shouts, “Petrovolt, Steel Wing!” Electra shouts, the two charge at each other, and Pikachu smashes its tail into Petrovolt’s wings the two struggle to push each other with their attacks, “Come on Pikachu!” Ella shouts from the stands, “You can do it!” Cole shouts,
Ash stands with a determined look on his face, “Go Pikachu!” he shouts, Pikachu summons the strength and manages to push Petrovolt off it and swings its tail again and this time hits it, “Lets finish this Pikachu!” he shouts, “Volt Tackle!” Pikachu dashes up in a big bolt of yellow lightning and charges into Petrovolt hitting it directly sending it crashing into the ground knocked out, “Petrovolt is unable to battle, Ash and Pikachu win the battle!” the referee shouts raising the flag on Ash’s side,
“YAY!!! WHOOO!!!” the group cheer as Ash and Pikachu dance around, “We did it Pikachu!, we won the gym battle!” he says.
Moments later the group are standing outside with Electra and Bolton, “congratulations Ash, you deserve this” Electra says holding out a tray with the gym badge on it, “This is the Lightning Badge”
Ash takes the badge off the tray and holds it in the air, “I won the Lightning badge!” he says as Pikachu jumps in the air.
Ash opens up his badge case and places the badge next to the Rose Badge and Crescent Badge,
“My 3rd badge, just 5 more to go!” he says, “So where are you going next?” Electra asks,
“To the next gym!” Cole says clutching his fist, “The next gym from here is in Goldune City” Bolton says, “To get there you need to pass through Goldune Desert” Electra says, “Goldune Desert!” Cole shouts, “Oh man!” “But if you’re not in a rush, you could go to Lushus Town, its beautiful place, lots of flowers and there’s even a daycare center there” Electra says, “A daycare center!” Ella says, “We have to go there!” she says, “There will be so many cute baby Pokemon there!” she says with hearts in her eyes, Ash and Brock laugh, “Looks like we’re going to Lushus Town before we go to Goldune City” Brock says, “Looks so”,
“We should get going” Ash says, “It was nice to meet you guys!” the group say as they start walking towards to exit of Rustbolt City, waving goodbye.
Meanwhile Team Rocket are now in their balloon flying over Rustbolt City, “Ahh, I feel so refreshed” Jesse says as Lophug sits on her head, “Healed and rejuvenated” Meowth says, “Energized and ahh…you get it” James says as Chimecho sits around his neck, “Looks like Team Rocket are back again!” they say as they fly off through the blue sky.
Episode 30: Old School Rivals!
On their way to Lushus Town, the group come across Trissy and another trainer, Rodney, who remembers Ella and Cole, but they don't remember him, Rodney and Cole then have a tag battle against Ella and Trissy.

Episode 31: Saved By The Lavenbell!
Taking a break at the Pokemon Center, Ella does some training with her Pokemon for her upcoming contest, Lavenseed evolves and Ella finds out something exciting about her new Lavenbell.

Episode 32: New Kecid On The Brock!
The group arrive in Lushus Town and meet Kindy who works at the Daycare center, she asks the group if they want to help train some baby pokemon, to prepare them for new trainers, and help clean the Pokemon Eggs, the group agree but Team Rocket has other plans for the baby Pokemon and pokemon eggs.

After winning his second Gym medal, Cole takes a seat with Ella, Brock and Bolton and are ready to watch Ash and Electra’s gym battle.
“Are you ready Ash?” Electra asks Ash who is standing on the other side of the battlefield, “I’m always ready!” Ash replies,
“Well then, lets get started!” Electra says, the referee steps in and says, “This battle will be between Ash from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region, against Electra, the Rustbolt City gym leader, each trainer will use 3 Pokemon each, start the battle!” the referee shouts as he swings down the two flags, “I’ll go first!” Electra says, “I choose Pachirisu!” she says throwing out a pokeball

“So Herovor verses Pachirisu” Ella says, “It looks like Ash has the upper hand” Brock says, as they all sit together in the stand,
“Pachirisu, Quick Attack!” Electra shouts out, Pachirisu starts running in a flash of light, “Herovor dodge it!” Ash shouts, Herovor jumps into the air and Pachirisu misses it, still in the air, Herovor releases a wave of Razor Leaf, “Herovor I didn’t tell you to attack!” Ash shouts as the attack hits Pachirisu,
“Oh no looks like Herovor isn’t listening to Ash again,” Ella says,
Pachirisu hits the ground and Herovor lands and looks at Ash, “Herovor you have to listen to me!” Ash says and Herovor looks at him all apologetic,

Ash returns Herovor to its Pokeball, “You did good Herovor, but we need to train more” he says to the Pokeball, Ash then tucks the ball onto his belt, “I wonder who Ash is going with next?” Cole says, “I don’t know but its gonna be tough, Pikachu is the same type as Electra’s Pokemon, so its attacks won’t do much, and Salatad and Mawclaw are both weak to Electric types” Brock says, “This battle is going to be interesting” Ella says as Lavenseed and Tweetot play on the bleaches.
Ash stands, thinking of which Pokemon to use next, while Electra and Pachirisu stand and wait.
Meanwhile Team Rocket are relaxing in a field of flowers, “Ahh…nothing like winning a contest and relaxing in a beautiful field of flowers” Jesse says lying on her back with Yanmega, Seviper, Wobbuffet and Lophug, James sits with Carnivine hugging him, Chimecho wrapped around his next and Solshrub smelling the flowers, “Shouldn’t we be tracking down the twerps or something?” he says with a piece of straw in his mouth, “Not today, I wanna relax before we get blasted off again” she says as Lophug places flowers in her hair, “Relaxing now will clear our heads, so we can come up with better plans to get Pikachu” Meowth says who is also lying in the flowers, “I suppose, but lately is seems we haven’t seen or done much” says James.
Back at the gym, Ash and Electra are about to start the next round, “So Ash, what’s you next Pokemon” Electra says, Ash smiles, “Okay” Ash says clutching a Pokeball in his hand, “I choose Salatad!” he shouts throwing out the Pokeball, “SALATAD!” Cole, Brock and Ella all say in shock, “Ash does know that Salatad is really weak to Electric types!” Cole says, “He must have a plan, or he wouldn’t have chosen it” Brock says, Salatad stands on the battlefield ready to battle Pachirisu, “So lets do this” Electra says, “Pachirisu, Discharge!” Electra shouts, Pachirisu powers up and sends out a blast of blue lightning at Salatad, “Salatad dodge it with Aqua Jet!” Ash shouts,
The blue lightning gets closer to Salatad, but Salatad dodges the attack by dashing to the side, it quickly runs up to Pachirisu and hits it with the Aqua Jet, “Good shot Salatad!” Ash shouts, as Pachirisu goes flying across the ground, “Water Gun!” Ash then shouts, Salatad fires a blast of water at Pachirisu, who is trying to get up, “Quick Attack Pachirisu!” Electra calls out, just as the water gun is about to hit Pachirisu dashes to the side like Salatad did, “I see what you’re doing” Ash says, Pachirisu runs up to Salatad using Quick attack, “Salatad, Poison Tail!” Ash shouts, Just as Pachirisu reaches Salatad, Salatad’s tail glows purple and it swings it, striking Pachirisu sending it flying across the battlefield, “Whoa!” Cole says,
Pachirisu hits the ground knocked out, “Pachirisu is out of the battle, Salatad wins!” The referee says raising the flag on Ash’s side, “Yeah!” Ash says, “Good work Salatad that was great” he says,
Electra returns Pachirisu back to it’s Pokeball, “Thank you Pachirisu” she says to the Pokeball, “That was a great battle Ash,” she says, “But lets see you take on my next Pokemon”
Electra enlarges a Pokeball and throws it out, “I choose Neomise!” in a flash of light Neomise emerges from the Pokeball, “Neomise?” Ash says, he pulls out his Pokedex,
“Neomise, the Glow Pokemon, Neomise is the evolved form of Illumise, Neomise can absorb light into its body and use it as energy and attacks,” the Pokedex says,
“So Electra’s Illumise evolved,” Ella says,
“Now lets go again!” Electra says, “Neomise, Thunder Punch!” she shouts,
Neomise flies up into the air and its fists starts glowing yellow, it then sky dives down to Salatad, aiming both fists at it, “Salatad dodge it!” Ash says, Salatad goes to jump out of the way, but Neomise is too fast for it, and Salatad gets hit, “Oh no Salatad!” Ash shouts as Salatad goes flying across the ground seriously hurt, Salatad isn’t out and tries to get up as static surrounds its body “Oh no it looks like Salatad is Paralyzed!” Brock says, “Salatad, use Water Gun!” Ash shouts, Salatad fills its mouth with water and fires a water gun attack at Neomise

Salatad lands on the ground knocked out, “Salatad is unable to battle, Neomise wins” the referee says, Ash returns Salatad back to its Pokeball, “You did so good for our official first battle together” he says, he then tucks the Pokeball away, “Okay Ash looks like your down to your last Pokemon” Electra says,
“Looks like it, so I’m gonna go with Pikachu” he says looking over to Pikachu, Pikachu nods and steps forward, “So Electric verse Electric” she says, “It’ll be interesting” Ash says, “Wow, it sure will be” Bolton says,
“Pikachu, Iron Tail!” Ash shouts, Pikachu runs up to Neomise with its tail glowing, “Neomise, stop it!” Electra shouts, Neomise grabs Pikachu’s tail with its hands, “Oh no!” “Throw it!” Electra shouts, Neomise swings Pikachu around and throws it in the air, “Pikachu!” Ash shouts, Pikachu spins around flying through the air, “Pikachu, go with the spin!” Ash shouts, Pikachu concentrates as it spins in the air and electricity starts to wrap its body, “What’s happening?” Ash says to himself, Pikachu then fires a spinning twister of electricity at Neomise, hitting it and shocking it, “What attack was that!” Ella says in amazement, Cole pulls out his Pokedex, “It says here that it’s a Shock Spiral attack” Cole says, “So Pikachu has learnt a new attack!” Brock says, “Shock Spiral?” Ash says, Pikachu lands on the ground and Neomise is kneeling down, hurt from the attack, “Pikachu you learned Shock Spiral!” Ash says and Pikachu smiles at him, “Okay Pikachu lets finish this off, Iron Tail!” Ash shouts, Pikachu charges at Neomise with its tail glowing and swings one mighty blow at Neomise striking it and sending it crashing to the ground knocked out, “Neomise is unable to battle, Pikachu wins!” the referee says raising the flag on Ash’s side, “Yay Pikachu!” Ash says as he hugs Pikachu, “that was awesome, now one Pokemon left and I thin I know what it will be” Ash say, “Good battle Ash, but I’ve saved the best for last” Electra says, she pulls out a Pokeball and throws it out, “I choose Petrovolt!” the ball opens up and Petrovolt comes out in a flash of light, “The final battle will now commence” the referee shouts, “Go Pikachu, Quick attack!” Ash shouts, Pikachu runs up in a flash of light at Petrovolt, “Petrovolt, block it with Steel Wing!” Electra shouts, Petrovolt’s wings start glowing and it raises them up to protect itself, Pikachu goes crashing into it without causing any damage, “Now Petrovolt, Drill Peck!” Electra shouts, Petrovolt flies up to Pikachu with its beak spinning really fast and it dives down onto Pikachu, “Pikachu jump!” Ash shouts, Pikachu jumps into the air just as Petrovolt swoops down, Pikachu then lands on Petrovolt’s back, “Hold on Pikachu!” Ash shouts, “Petrovolt shake it off!” Electra shouts, Petrovolt starts spinning around in the air while Pikachu holds on,
“This doesn’t look good” Cole, “Ash has been in tougher situations than this, he’ll figure it out” Brock says,
Ash stops and thinks while Petrovolt and Pikachu keep spinning, “Got it!” Ash says, “Pikachu let go!” Ash shouts, Pikachu does so and flies off Petrovolt still spinning, “Now Quick attack!” Ash shouts, Pikachu spins around and in a flash of light it flies through the air spinning around and smashes into Petrovolt’s back, causing it to crash to the ground in a powerful smash, “WOW!” The group all say, “Oh no” Electra says to herself, As the cloud of dust clears Petrovolt is on its feet, injured, just the same as Pikachu, both are puffing, “Go Pikachu, Iron Tail!” Ash shouts, “Petrovolt, Steel Wing!” Electra shouts, the two charge at each other, and Pikachu smashes its tail into Petrovolt’s wings the two struggle to push each other with their attacks, “Come on Pikachu!” Ella shouts from the stands, “You can do it!” Cole shouts,
Ash stands with a determined look on his face, “Go Pikachu!” he shouts, Pikachu summons the strength and manages to push Petrovolt off it and swings its tail again and this time hits it, “Lets finish this Pikachu!” he shouts, “Volt Tackle!” Pikachu dashes up in a big bolt of yellow lightning and charges into Petrovolt hitting it directly sending it crashing into the ground knocked out, “Petrovolt is unable to battle, Ash and Pikachu win the battle!” the referee shouts raising the flag on Ash’s side,
“YAY!!! WHOOO!!!” the group cheer as Ash and Pikachu dance around, “We did it Pikachu!, we won the gym battle!” he says.
Moments later the group are standing outside with Electra and Bolton, “congratulations Ash, you deserve this” Electra says holding out a tray with the gym badge on it, “This is the Lightning Badge”

Ash opens up his badge case and places the badge next to the Rose Badge and Crescent Badge,
“My 3rd badge, just 5 more to go!” he says, “So where are you going next?” Electra asks,
“To the next gym!” Cole says clutching his fist, “The next gym from here is in Goldune City” Bolton says, “To get there you need to pass through Goldune Desert” Electra says, “Goldune Desert!” Cole shouts, “Oh man!” “But if you’re not in a rush, you could go to Lushus Town, its beautiful place, lots of flowers and there’s even a daycare center there” Electra says, “A daycare center!” Ella says, “We have to go there!” she says, “There will be so many cute baby Pokemon there!” she says with hearts in her eyes, Ash and Brock laugh, “Looks like we’re going to Lushus Town before we go to Goldune City” Brock says, “Looks so”,
“We should get going” Ash says, “It was nice to meet you guys!” the group say as they start walking towards to exit of Rustbolt City, waving goodbye.
Meanwhile Team Rocket are now in their balloon flying over Rustbolt City, “Ahh, I feel so refreshed” Jesse says as Lophug sits on her head, “Healed and rejuvenated” Meowth says, “Energized and ahh…you get it” James says as Chimecho sits around his neck, “Looks like Team Rocket are back again!” they say as they fly off through the blue sky.
Episode 30: Old School Rivals!
On their way to Lushus Town, the group come across Trissy and another trainer, Rodney, who remembers Ella and Cole, but they don't remember him, Rodney and Cole then have a tag battle against Ella and Trissy.

Episode 31: Saved By The Lavenbell!
Taking a break at the Pokemon Center, Ella does some training with her Pokemon for her upcoming contest, Lavenseed evolves and Ella finds out something exciting about her new Lavenbell.

Episode 32: New Kecid On The Brock!
The group arrive in Lushus Town and meet Kindy who works at the Daycare center, she asks the group if they want to help train some baby pokemon, to prepare them for new trainers, and help clean the Pokemon Eggs, the group agree but Team Rocket has other plans for the baby Pokemon and pokemon eggs.